MeMe's injuries

MeMe at the vet

As you have seen from the photos and video on other pages, MeMe has made remarkable progress. MeMe sustained serious injuries from severe physical abuse when she was a kitten. When she came to us on January 30, 2015 she could hardly walk. At 5 months she weighed barely 3 lbs. She would writhe in fits of intense biting known as feline hyperesthesia syndrome (FHS) or"twitch-skin syndrome" and "psychomotor epilepsy." She was afraid of other cats. And she was especially afraid to be picked up by human hands. Aside from a broken canine tooth, she had no broken bones. MeMe has hearing and vision problems that keep her from carefully judging distance and direction. She has occasional seizures which we treat by giving her CBD oil. MeMe is a smart cat. She is very friendly and has a loving heart.